
Our Focus


We work across the spectrum of philosophical and public life, not only tackling problems but looking for the ways that we can reinforce the building-blocks of prosperity.

In some areas, the threats to prosperity are becoming more severe, or even existential. This is where success will make all the difference and where we must focus our efforts.
These areas include:



National Sovereignty & Independence

Free Markets & Growth Economy

Life, Liberty & Rule of Law

Flourishing Families

Cheap & Abundant Energy

National Sovereignty & Independence

  • A prosperous nation must be independent and sovereign, free to make its own laws and set its own regulations for the betterment of its citizenry and national interest.
  • Cohesive, good-hearted culture is protected by a sense of shared security within functioning external borders.
  • Nationhood can be nurtured through widespread understanding of, and respect for, our cultural heritage and the Judeo-Christian underpinnings of British law and government.


National Sovereignty & Independence

Free Markets & Growth Economy

Life, Liberty & Rule of Law

Flourishing Families

Cheap & Abundant Energy

Free Markets & Growth Economy

  • There are too many obstacles to economic freedom, property rights, and entrepreneurship, which hinder generational wealth-building and economic choice.
  • Business will go where it is welcome. Strong nations encourage enterprise, fostering a climate of entrepreneurialism and domestication of industry.
  • Economic policy should be growth-focused and expansionary, free from burdensome taxes and regulations.


National Sovereignty & Independence

Free Markets & Growth Economy

Life, Liberty & Rule of Law

Flourishing Families

Cheap & Abundant Energy

Life, Liberty & Rule of Law

  • We believe that every life is of infinite value, and thus every person is entitled to equal protection and treatment under the law.
  • People should be free to speak, associate and live unencumbered, private lives emancipated from totalitarian oversight and presumptive guilt.
  • Elected representatives in a constitutional democracy should fastidiously protect these fundamental liberties and be held accountable to carry out the mandate given to them by the electorate.


National Sovereignty & Independence

Free Markets & Growth Economy

Life, Liberty & Rule of Law

Flourishing Families

Cheap & Abundant Energy

Flourishing Families

  • We advocate for the creation of stable and flourishing families and the restoration of the family’s once uncontroversial position at the heart of society.
  • Family formation and stability is central to the next generation’s prosperity.
  • Ensuring marriage is respected in our culture and wider legal and fiscal systems.


National Sovereignty & Independence

Free Markets & Growth Economy

Life, Liberty & Rule of Law

Flourishing Families

Cheap & Abundant Energy

Cheap & Abundant Energy

  • Without access to affordable and abundant energy, sustained economic growth is impossible. Steadily increasing energy costs are a major detractor to quality of life and economic stability.

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